Wendy Lane

Wendy Lane

Background and experience

Wendy has over 30 years of experience working in, and with, public services. For most of her career, Wendy has worked in the NHS, where she has held senior leadership roles in hospital management, health commissioning, and internal NHS consultancy at local, regional, and national levels. More recently, she has worked with the Coventry Cyrenians charity and led various community projects focused on community engagement and environmental improvements.

Wendy has extensive experience in designing and leading transformational change in health and care systems. She has successfully led and delivered multi-organisation partnership development and service change programmes, often in highly challenging situations. Some of this work has achieved national recognition for the impact on improvements to patient care in physical and mental health. 

Wendy has lived and worked in the Coventry and Warwickshire health and care system for over 25 years. She is passionate about service improvement and clinical collaboration to deliver better, more accessible, and integrated services for patients across organisations.