Research Impacts

Research carried out both within our Trust and in partnership with a wide range of other organisations impacts greatly on services users, NHS clinicians interested in research, and outside groups within our local area, nationally and internationally.

An example of this is that research active staff can showcase the excellent research activity that they undertake, that helps to embed a culture of research and celebrates this innovation, by putting in an application for the Trust’s Annual Quality Research Culture Award.  This provides an opportunity for service staff across the Trust to highlight and acknowledge the tremendous Research & Innovation work that they undertake.  This activity may be happening behind the scenes, therefore our R&I Department need to be aware of these innovations and involved throughout the research process.

As the impacts of research studies are immense, we continue to develop infrastructure for delivering high quality research throughout our Trust, and some of our Trust research receives international recognition, which is a great achievement for a relatively small team of staff based in the Coventry & Warwickshire region.    

If we all work together, we can make an impact on the quality of care our Trust service users receive.

Studies showing impact of research


Harmony Trial

National investigation into suicide in children and young people
Study into the clinical effectiveness of web-based intervention for relatives of people with psychosis or bipolar