Keep connected

Keep connected
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Keep Connected with yourself and others

keep connected image

We need to be in touch with ourselves (notice how you feel, your needs and to look after yourself first) and as social animals, humans also need connection with other people. 

It’s crucial for emotional wellbeing to reach out to others in some way every day.  Try and improve things for other people and this will also help your well-being and your immunity.


Ideas include




  1. Value and be kind to yourself; treat yourself how you would care for someone you know and love
  2. Keep noticing how you feel, tell others how you feel and get help if you need it
  3. Keep in touch with people you care about and make you feel good. Do this remotely if you can’t see them in person
  4. Appreciate those close to you including colleagues, and say it out loud
  5. Smile and make eye contact with people you see
  6. Do something that supports someone else or some other living thing (animal or plant)
  7. If you can’t have physical connection with a person due to COVID-19 restrictions, consider hugging a pet (if you have one) or something comforting like a cushion or a soft toy
  8. Make a list of activities to do with others when COVID-19 restrictions are lifted and you are able to meet up again.


This improves your emotional well-being and immunity.





Here are some videos you may find helpful:

5 Ways to Wellbeing During Isolation 

Mindfulness of breath video from CWPT IAPT Service


Need more help
  • Coventry and Warwickshire Improving Access to Psychological Therapy (IAPT) Service which provides support to patients with anxiety and depression – click here here
  • Recovery and Wellbeing Academy which provides a range of online and offline courses about mental health and wellbeing – click here
  • If you’re in a mental health crisis now and need urgent support  - click  here
other useful links
  • Every Mind Matters Campaign which provides a range of self-help - click here
  • Coventry County Council’s information on COVID-19 services  - click here
  • Warwickshire County Council ‘s information on COVID-19 services – click here