Equality Delivery System
The Equality and Diversity Department has worked hard to establish an Action Plan for the Equality Delivery System (EDS2), which is part of a four year plan and covers the four objectives:
1. Better health outcomes for all
2. Improved patient access and experience
3. Empowered, engaged and well-supported staff
4. Inclusive leadership at all levels
The EDS2 is a combined local and national quality assurance tool which should help to provide scrutiny of equality. The EDS2 has guidelines for an organisation to follow giving the chance for service users and staff.
The Actions within the EDS2 are monitored regularly by the Equality and Diversity Group. This was presented to IWC on 8 March 2016. All EDS2 goals and objectives are consulted and worked through with users and carers from diverse groups and discussed within the Equality and Diversity Group.
The actions are then reported to the Trust Board.
EDS2 Further Information.pdf [pdf] 1MB
EDS2 Further Information - Easy Read.pdf [pdf] 409KB
EDS2 Obj and Outcome 1. 2018-19.pdf [pdf] 86KB
EDS2 Obj and Outcome 2. 2018-19.pdf [pdf] 83KB
EDS2 Obj and outcome 3. 2018-19.pdf [pdf] 96KB
EDS2 Obj and outcome 4. 2018-19.pdf [pdf] 17KB