
book with mug placed in a window frame overlooking green trees

What is chaplaincy and spiritual care

Chaplains work alongside people facing difficult and life-changing experiences, including living with mental health issues, and they understand the stresses and strains of what that means.

Chaplaincy offers:

  • A chance to talk about your hopes and fears;
  • A chance to be listened to, and be heard;
  • A chance to be accepted as your are, without judgement;
  • Help to make sense of who you are, and where you're going.

For particular faiths, the chaplaincy offers:

  • Spiritual guidance;
  • Respect for your tradition;
  • Contact with the local faith community;
  • Support to practise your faith or spiritual tradition.

Who can access the chaplaincy and spiritual care team

  • All service users and patients of Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership NHS Trust;
  • Carers of the above;
  • Staff members.

Do I have to be religious

No, absolutely not. The team is equally happy to provide support to people of any faith, or of no faith.

How do I access the Chaplaincy service

The Chaplaincy team visits all areas of the Trust. 
Requests for support from patients and carers must be made via a member of staff.

Front page of people at our heart chaplaincy leaflet