- ISSUE RAISED - Medical appointments being cancelled and review meetings being cancelled. Unhappy with new medication but could not discuss this will clinicians because the meetings were cancelled.
MH TEAM DID – A weekly team meeting is now in place which includes team medics, admin and Team Managers. This supports oversight and assurance that patients are being responded to appropriately.
- ISSUE RAISED – when patients care coordinator left the team, there was no communication informing patient of what the next steps will be. They felt they kept repeating their story many times to different professionals which was re-traumatising.
MH TEAM DID – Reallocation process that has been implemented for caseloads that need reallocating and involves all clinicians involved in the care of the patient.
- ISSUE RAISED – Not having support and the team are meant to help you but they end up triggering you.
MH TEAM DID – Training package being developed for staff in order to improve patient response and experience, to support communication with patients via the team duty system.
- ISSUE RAISED – Post for a clinician was misplaced at a Trust Clinic.
MH TEAM DID – System for holding mail has been reviewed and implemented. Now mail is received from logistics and sorted into specific baskets for each team or clinician, this is then collected by the dedicated admin for the service.
- ISSUE RAISED – Patient complained they didn’t have access to their personal property when needed.
MH TEAM DID – Ward Manager emailed all staff to confirm that patients can access their personal property when needed and safe to do. NHSP / agency induction sheet has been updated to include this recommendation.
For PDF version: Enc 11 - Learning Alert July 24.pdf