Autism Workshops

In our current health, social and education system, we recognise there are gaps for our autistic people. To meet this need collectively, we held a workshop to focus on co-developing integrated neurodevelopment pathways within Coventry and Warwickshire. These events are co-produced with Experts by Experience and we have taken steps to make them as inclusive as possible.

We need your help to all work together to inform and develop a more comprehensive system that enables our autistic people to thrive and with that aim in mind have created a unique webpage.

his webpage currently includes;

  • The agendas of past and forthcoming events.
  • Presentations from the day about our autism strategy and also local service offers, and also many of the Warwickshire and Coventry service offers.
  • The jam boards (discussion boards) from 16th June workshop. Please take the opportunity to contribute to the discussion and shape the next steps going forward.
  • Any leaflets or information provided by partners to share

Following on from the Autism workshops for Coventry and Warwickshire on 16th June 2022 and 22nd September 2022, the next are taking place:

Shaping the Future for Autism for Coventry and Warwickshire Part 2 
9.30am - 2.30pm on Thursday 24th November 2022

Final agenda Shaping the Future for Autism Part 2 - 24 Nov 2022.pdf [pdf] 221KB

Introducing Presenters at Shaping the Future for Autism Part 2 - 24 Nov 2022.pdf [pdf] 464KB


2.  Autism Strategy Priorities and Anticipated Impact for Delivery Plans 2022-2024.pdf [pdf] 233KB

3.  Grapevine and WPCV - Introduction to Co-Production.pdf [pdf] 532KB

5.  Coventry SENDIASS Co-production - Promoting engagement in service design and delivery.pdf [pdf] 1MB

6.  Coproduction and Engagement Approach in Warwickshire - WCC and WPCV.pdf [pdf] 2MB

7.  Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership NHS Trust Co-production - Learning Disabilities and Autism .pdf [pdf] 488KB

8.  Feedback from Together with Autism Conferences.pdf [pdf] 588KB

11. Mentimeter feedback from Autism workshop on 24-11-22.pdf [pdf] 2MBT

Shaping the Future for Autism and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder for Coventry and Warwickshire Part 1 - Workshop on 22nd September 2022

Shaping the Future Agenda - Workshop 22 September 2022.pdf [pdf] 227KB

The aims of the event were:

  • All system partners to work collaboratively in Coventry and Warwickshire
  • To understand the key priorities through the Autism Strategy
  • To feedback thematically from the last workshop and how this correlates to the Autism Strategy
  • To understand where information can be accessed and how, for example the e-leaflet
  • More detail on the Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership Neurodiversity offer
  • What to expect from the next workshop in November 2022

Workshop on 16th June 2022

The aims of the workshop were to:

  • Articulate the need and present the draft CWPT offer, including a proposal for a Community Autism Team
  • Explore the current Coventry and Warwickshire offer for neurodiversity from prevention to treatment and support.
  • Consolidate feedback on how services within our system needs to be developed to ensure we have no gaps
  • Determine next steps for outlining a collective system offer

Agenda and photo board of presenters.pdf [pdf] 621KB

Workshop welcome introduction and strategy .pdf [pdf] 789KB

Proposed Community Neurodevelopmental Team Model .pdf [pdf] 885KB

Warwickshire County Council Adult Social Care.pdf [pdf] 192KB

Coventry SEND Service.pdf [pdf] 196KB

Children’s Services Offer Presentation Coventry City Council and Warwickshire County Council.pdf [pdf] 417KB

CW Mind Offer - CASS and Keyworker Team.pdf [pdf] 901KB

Warwickshire Education offer.pdf [pdf] 275KB

Coventry Adult Social Care Offer.pdf [pdf] 543KB

Documents from partners

Warwickshire Parent Carer Voice Flyer.pdf [pdf] 2MB

Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership NHS Trust offer.pdf[pdf] 293KB

Best Practice - How to Involve Autistic People in Co-Production.pdf [pdf] 436KB

Informing Autism Service Improvement through Lived Experience Insight.pdf [pdf] 869KB

More than words - supporting effective communication with autistic people in health care settings.pdf [pdf] 2MB

The Neuroaffirmative Language Guide.pdf [pdf] 267KB

Building the Right Support - A national plan to develop community services and close inpatient facilities for people with a learning disability and/or autism who display behaviour that challenges, inlcuding those with a mental health condition

Building the Right Support - Easy Read version

Facilitated questions in groups and jamboard from Sessions 1 and 2

Jargon buster: an A-Z of autism and related conditions



For more information, please contact