Additional Local Sources of Help and Support

Midwives, Health Visitors, Family Nurse, GP

All new families and parents will be offered support by these services; they will support you through pregnancy and after the birth of your baby.  They can also tell you about different services available, and help you decide what is right for you.   

Warwickshire services

Click here for further information on services in Warwickshire                                 
Click here for Health visiting services                                                              
Click here for Family Nurse Partnership services                                                         
Click here for Midwifery services at Warwick Hospital                                                                                 
Click here for Midwifery services at George Eliot Hospital

Coventry services               
Click here for further information on services in Coventry, including Health Visiting and Family Nurse Partnership support           
Click here for Midwifery services at University Hospital, Coventry and Warwickshire     
Click here for Midwifery services at George Eliot Hospital                                                                                                                   

Both areas also have a birth listening service that enables you to talk through your birthing experience with a trained practitioner.  Talk to your midwife or health visitor if you would like further information.

Children Centres, Family Hubs and information services

These services have well developed networks to support families and parents, offering support, advice and information.         

Warwickshire children and family centres                                                    
Warwickshire Family Information Service  

Coventry Family Hubs
Coventry Family Information Directory
MAMTA (Child & Maternal Health) Project – for all Black, Asian and Minority Ethic women & families

Self-Referral and Support

These are a mixture of support and self-help services that work to improve mental health.  They offer relationship support and other interventions and can be self-referred to across Coventry and Warwickshire

For 24 hour urgent and crisis mental health support, call 111 and select the mental health option.

Coventry and Warwickshire 24 hour emotional wellbeing support: 0800 616 171
Wellbeing for Warwickshire (Warwickshire only) 
Wellbeing for Warwickshire - Coventry service (Coventry only)

Recovery & Wellbeing Academy
Healthy Minds Service (formerly IAPT)                                                                                                                                          
Kooth – for young people up to age 25                
Relationship Support   
Every Mind Matters
Dimensions Tool for Health and Wellbeing   
Wellbeing for Life
Domestic Abuse Services  (Warwickshire)            
Domestic Abuse Services (Coventry) 
Creative Health Arts Programmes for Parents (Warwickshire only) 

Online courses, advice and apps relating to pregnancy, parenting and children

Online Guides for Parents (Warwickshire only)                     
5 week Sleep Tight Programme (Warwickshire only)         
Positive Parenting Team: for parenting courses (Coventry only)
Family Learning: programmes to support strong and positive relationships in families (Coventry only)
Healthier Together



Baby Buddy
Mamma Mia App
Lullaby Baby Check App



Further Information about Mental health Services

