Medicines Guidance
Controlled Drugs Fridges Medicines Reconciliation Nutricia Feeding Products
Pharmaceutical Waste Safe and Secure handling of medicines Cost Effective Prescribing
The Trust Medicines Policy and associated Medicines Manual Guidance is located in the Policies section of the Trust intranet.
The document below contains a list of the different Medicines Manual Guidance (MMG) and a short summary of the points covered in each:
MMG chapter and description January 2022.pdf [pdf] 141KB
The below link will re-direct you to the Area Prescribing Committee website:
Coventry and Warwickshire Area Prescribing Committee
Other documents
Crisis Resolution and Home Treatment Teams SOP.pdf [pdf] 757KB
Guidance on safe administration of medications via ENfit Enteral feeding system.pdf [pdf] 329KB
Notification to patients of medicine brand change.docx [docx] 55KB
Unfamiliar medicines checklist.docx [docx] 63KB
Continence PPL May 2019 (no update).pdf [pdf] 187KB
Wound management PPL and Dressing guidance May 2019.pdf [pdf] 620KB