Pharmaceutical Waste
Pharmaceutical waste collection and disposal services are provided to Mental Health and Secondary Care by Trust Hygiene Services Ltd (THS).
Waste poster - BLUE Lidded Bins (2017).pdf [pdf] 153KB
Waste poster - PURPLE Lidded Bins (2017).pdf [pdf] 166KB
Waste poster - PURPLE Lidded Bins - Cytotoxic & Cytostatic drugs (2017).pdf [pdf] 218KB
Not all units/services require a dedicated pharmaceutical waste collection service. In some instances, pharmaceutical waste is managed by the Medicines Management Pharmacy Technicians. Where applicable, THS supplies yellow pharmaceutical waste bins and it is these bins which should be used exclusively for the storage of pharmaceutical waste. Pharmaceutical waste bins will have a blue lid (either 11.5 litres or 22 litres in size) for general pharmaceutical waste or a purple lid (11.5 litres) for the disposal of cytotoxic and cytostatic drugs (see attached document for list of these medications). The bin should be stored is a safe location (e.g. a medicines cupboard or an office).
Services should use the bins for pharmaceutical waste only: Unwanted medicines should be placed into the bins in its primary packaging:
Boxes and outer packaging should be removed and disposed of using general waste. Ensure that patient details are removed/obscured before disposal.
Sharps must be disposed of using an approved sharps container. Sharps must not be placed in the pharmaceutical waste bins.
Controlled drugs require specialist disposal and must not be disposed of using the THS bins. Contact a Medicines Management pharmacist to discuss the disposal of controlled drugs).
Contact THS directly on 0370 3500 988 to arrange waste collection. Note that THS may not be able to make an immediate collection. THS will advise services when collection is likely, but this may take up to 3 weeks. Collection of existing bins and the delivery of new bins may be made by separate drivers, so services may receive a new bin before the old bin is collected.
Services can contact THS on an ad hoc basis to arrange collection depending on how much pharmaceutical waste is generated. If regular waste is generated, a regular collection schedule can be arranged.
Pharmaceutical Waste – City of Coventry Healthcare
A dedicated pharmaceutical waste collection service is not required. Services should follow the guidance in the poster for pharmaceutical waste management within City of Coventry Health Centre.
• Appropriate bins should be obtained and collection arranged via facilities.
• The relevant pharmacy technician should be contacted for disposal of medicines
• Other pharmaceutically contaminated waste products should be placed in a bin with the appropriate coloured lid according to the guidance in the poster.
• The bin should be stored is a safe location (e.g. a medicines cupboard or an office).
• Controlled drugs require specialist disposal and must not be disposed of using these bins. Contact a Medicines Management pharmacist to discuss the disposal of controlled drugs..
Posters with guidance relating to disposal of pharmaceutical waste are available. The poster should be displayed near to the bin - e.g. stuck on the wall. Do not attach the poster to the bin itself as it may be removed when the bin is collected.