Learning Disability Services

This page contains resources designed to support professionals working with people with learning disabilities as part of our role as Health Facilitators.  HCA talking to a young girl with autism


The NHS Long Term Plan for learning disability and autism was released at the beginning of January 2019. For autistic people and people with a learning disability the plan includes the following:

  • Investment in community support so that by 2023/24 every local health system would have a seven day specialist multidisciplinary service and crisis care to support people in their communities;

  • Implementing in full ‘Building the Right Support’: by March 2023/24, inpatient provision will have reduced to less than half of 2015 levels;

  • Over the next three years, waiting times for autism diagnosis will be included alongside work with children and young people’s mental health services to test and implement the most effective ways to reduce waiting times for specialist services;

  • Children and young people with a learning disability, autism or both with the most complex needs will have a designated keyworker.

  • The STOMP programme –  a national project involving different organisations to stop the over medication of people with a learning disability, autism or both - will continue to expand;

  • Every person with a learning disability, autism or both will have a digital flag in their patient record to ensure staff have a better understanding of their needs;

  • Eyesight, hearing and dental services for children will be invested in and included in reviews as part of general screening services and supported by easily accessible, ongoing care;

  • Over the next five years NHS Improvement learning disability improvement standards will be implemented and will apply to all services funded by the NHS;

  • The NHS will continue to offer more work opportunities to people with a learning disability and autistic people.

You can view a video about the NHS Long Term Plan for learning disability and Autism here.




The learning from deaths of people with a learning disability (LeDeR) programme was set up as a national programme to look at why people are dying and what we can do to change services locally and nationally to improve the health of people with a learning disability and reduce health inequalities. 



Annual Health Check

People with a learning disability, aged 14+ can access an annual health check via their GP Practice. These resources will help to prepare and deliver these important checks:

Annual Health Check-leaflet

Pre-Annual Health Check questionnaire

Annual Health Check action plan template

Improving identification of people with a learning disability -guidance for general practice

Learning Disabilities Resource Pack for General Practice July 2023

Annual Health Check Grapevine flyer

Annual Health Check letter template (You can use this letter to request a learning disability Annual Health Check from your GP).

Cancer screening

These easy read resources provide accessible information about cancer screening programmes:

Easy read - bowel screening

Easy read - breast screening

Easy read - having a smear

This guidance and resource pack is for care providers of learning disability services:

Promoting access to cancer screenings


COVID-19 vaccine

For the latest advice, information and resources linked to the Covid-19 (Coronavirus) vaccine, please visit our dedicated page. If you would like information about the Stoneleigh Vaccination Centre visit the web page. 



Free e-learning modules available covering people who have learning disabilities and and are at risk of behaviours that challenge, people with learning disabilities who have mental health conditions and people with learning disabilities who have Autism can be found here.


Preparing for hospital appointments/admissions

People with a learning disability should be supported to have a Health and Care (hospital) passport prepared to provide important information about them to those providing care and treatment. Blank passport templates are provided below:

Health and Care Passport.pdf [pdf] 1MB

Symbolised Health and Care Passport.pdf [pdf] 1MB


Oral care

To help health professionals, paid social care staff and family members to support someone with learning disabilities to get good oral care, please refer to this webpage.

Below is an easy read guide about oral health:

Easy read - oral care


Reasonable adjustments

Changing the way that care and support is delivered to someone with a learning disability can help ensure they access services and have a positive experience of health care. These resources provides guidance on reasonable adjustments:

The 4 P’s Reasonable Adjustments Model.pdf [pdf] 275KB

Reasonable Adjustments Guide for Mental Health Professionals.pdf [pdf] 1MB

NHS Right Care Pathway - Diabetes

Treat me well top 10 reasonable adjustments

There is also easy read information on a wide range of health topics on this website.

One Page Profiles

The one-page profile is a quick way to understand someone’s interests, environments they thrive in and how best to support them. It’s a conversation starter…something that isn’t medical, which might help to reduce anxiety and build connection. It means people don’t have to re-tell their story over and over and can help you to build the trust of the person you are working with. The conversation becomes person to person, rather than clinician to client.

One Page Profiles Guidance for Professionals.pdf [pdf] 2MB

One Page Profiles Guidance for Clients.pdf [pdf] 2MB

Editable One Page Profile Example 1.pdf [pdf] 2MB

Editable One Page Profile Example 2.pdf [pdf] 110KB

Editable One Page Profile Example 3.pdf [pdf] 106KB


Intensive Support Service for Children and Young Adults

Intensive Support Team leaflet for professionals.pdf [pdf] 293KB


Children's Community Learning Disability Team Information for Referrers

Children's Community Learning Disability Team Information for Referrers v1.pdf[pdf] 944KB


New route to referring to the Dynamic Support Register

What is the Dynamic Support Register (DSR)?

Coventry and Warwickshire’s Dynamic Support Register is a register of people with  a learning disability and autistic people, including those considered to be at risk of admission to a mental health hospital. 

It brings together health, social care, education and other system partners to provide good quality support at the right time and in the right plan with the aim of preventing unnecessary hospital admissions for people with a learning disability and autistic people.


Self referral

A self-referral form is now available via the Coventry and Warwickshire Integrated Care System (ICS) website, so that people with a learning disability and autistic people, their parents/carers or a health professional can refer them to the DSR.

The DSR Team does not provide an emergency crisis response service and works 9am – 5pm Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays).

If you are referring yourself or someone close to you, please note that:

  • We will contact you within 5 working days to take further information to understand their current needs and help us to manage your referral.  Information submitted will be shared with colleagues from health and social care to discuss current needs, levels of risk and potential sources of support.
  • If the person is added to the DSR, their information will be shared with organisations who may be providing support, depending where they live including:

- Coventry City Council or Warwickshire County Council
- Coventry and Warwickshire Integrated Care Board
- Coventry and Warwickshire Mind
- Fine Futures

Please note that if the person being referred needs an urgent or immediate response from mental health, they should look here: Find Help Now | Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership NHS Trust  


Referral Information

When referral decisions are being made, it is important that all relevant information about the DSR is shared with the person the referral is for, plus those with parental responsibility (if applicable) and services that support them.

Consent:  Information about the DSR is available in various formats to ensure that the person can understand, retain and weigh up information about this decision, so that they are able to give informed consent. Consent can be withdrawn at any time.

If a person is assessed as not having the capacity to give informed consent, a best interest decision can be made under the Mental Capacity Act to be referred to the DSR.

It is important to know that not consenting to join the register will not affect the person’s current support.

For a referral to be accepted it is  essential  that:

1. The person has capacity to give informed consent or
    A best interest decision has been made on behalf of them if they don’t have
2. The person has a diagnosis of a Learning Disability or Autism


For further information about the DSR, please visit the Coventry and Warwickshire DSR webpage