Deborah Lycett

Deborah Lycett

Background and experience

Professor Deborah Lycett RD PhD is the Director of Health and Wellbeing Research at Coventry University which covers centres in Healthcare Research; Sport, Exercise and Life Sciences and Intelligent Healthcare. She was previously Director of the Centre for Intelligent Healthcare, Professor and theme lead for Behaviour and Implementation Science, and Professor in Religious Health Interventions and Dietetic Practice. Prof Lycett has an international reputation for research using the biopsychosocial-spiritual model of health to improve the lives of those living with dietary and nutrition-related conditions. She has investigated addiction, obesity and diabetes with emphasis on the psychological and spiritual aspects of eating behaviour. She is particularly delighted to join CWPT as it champions the care of those living with poor mental health and eating disorders.
Professor Lycett served for several years on the Education Board of the British Dietetic Association (BDA) and was Chair of the BDA Quality Standards Committee. She sits on the Scientific Committee for the European Institute for Religion, Spirituality and Health. She is a Fellow of the Association of Higher Education and has taught in medical and health science faculties. She has many years of clinical experience, working as a dietitian, in the NHS. She has a PhD in Behavioural Medicine.