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Our Trust board meets bi-monthlhy to discuss important issues. It is responsible for setting the direction of our Trust,  reviewing how we are doing at the moment and making plans for the future.

For more information about Trust board meetings, please contact:

Chief Executive’s Office
Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership NHS Trust
Wayside House
Wilsons Lane
Coventry CV6 6NY
Tel: 024 76 36 8944

To view the Trust Board papers, please click here.

At the 18 May 2021 Public Trust Board meeting, the Trust Board confirmed that following a review for the purpose of paragraph (2 b) of licence condition G6, the Trust Board is satisfied that, in the Financial Year most recently ended, the Trust took all such precautions as deemed necessary in order to comply with Licence Condition G6 and any requirements imposed on it under NHS Acts and have had regard to the NHS Constitution and agreed that the Trust is compliant.  The requirements for condition G6 are:


At the 18 May 2021 Public Trust Board meeting, the Trust Board confirmed that following a review for the purpose of paragraph (2 b) of licence condition FT4, the Trust Board is satisfied that, in the Financial year most recently ended, the Trust took all such precautions as deemed necessary in order to comply with Licence Condition FT4 and any requirements imposed on it under NHS Acts and have paid regard to the NHS Constitution and agreed that the Trust is compliant. 


2021/2022 certification: 

Signed Self-certification_template_G6 2022

Signed Self-certification_template_FT4 2022