Anita Wilson

Anita Wilson

The Director of Corporate Affairs is the principal advisor to the Trust Board, Trust Executive Team and the organisation on matters of internal governance, strategic risk and assurance.


Anita has worked in the NHS since 2002 with a varied career across different agendas and organisations ranging from programme and project management, quality and service improvement, risk management ,emergency preparedness , Patient and public experience and governance. 

Anita became the Associate Director of Governance and Corporate Affairs for Warwickshire North and Coventry and Rugby CCGs in 2018 where she led the merger of the three CCGs in Coventry and Warwickshire and in 2022 directed the programme to transition the CCG into the current Coventry and Warwickshire Integrated Care Board.

Anita is also a Trustee of the Mary Ann Evans Hospice located in Nuneaton and is a certified Hypnotherapist and NLP Coach. Anita is currently undertaking training to become a qualified Reiki practitioner as she believes complimentary therapies can enhance and deliver better health and well-being.
