NHS 75 Staff Stories: Vicky Denny

Vicky Denny

Vicky Denny - Registered Nursing Associate

How long have you been in the NHS?

I started work for the NHS in July 2008, so this year will be 15 years.

Why did you choose to work in the NHS?

My mum has been an NHS nurse since I was a teenager and I had seen how rewarding this kind of work could be, and that knew when I started a career in care it would be an NHS career.

Describe your role in 100 words.

My current role is so varied. We support adults with a learning disability, autism, and complex health. To say no two days are the same is an understatement. We attend meetings, write care plans and risk assessments, we administer medication, call families, supervise staff, cook dinner, and wash clothes. The next day we could be ice skating with a wheelchair user, going to the gym to help someone keep fit, or attending an educational class with someone.

What do you enjoy most about your role?

I am not sure I can tell you what I most enjoy because there are many things I love about my job and all for different reasons. I love being able to have input into care planning and knowing that my opinion is valued. I love getting out in the community with our service users and seeing them experience new opportunities. I love our social media pages and sharing all our exciting news. I love sitting and talking with our service users and just learning about them and the lives they live. I love planning our activities with the other staff and hearing all the new ideas they have. You see, I could spend all day telling you what I love most.

Describe your favourite memory of working at CWPT in 100 words.

Back in 2010 I supported a lady in a residential service. She had a profound learning disability and some health needs. This lady was 60 years old, and we had the pleasure of taking her on her first-ever holiday. We took a trip to Butlins, where we went to arcades, late-night shows, the seal sanctuary, and had ice cream on the pier. She had half a lager with her meal, and we went to bingo. She smiled from start to finish.

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