My Health and Wellbeing App Library – it’s here and available for all to use

We are excited to share the news that Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Partnership Trust (CWPT) have been working with Orcha (a leading technology company) to develop a new tailor-made app library that will help us deliver better, safer care for you. The My Health and Wellbeing App Library ( is ready for you to start using as a support to your mental health needs and a complimentary tool to any help you already receive from us.
The library has been specially developed to provide patients and staff with a wide range of tailor-made apps to assist with treatment and recovery.
The app library should help with your recovery. Using an app means that you can access additional support at a time when you either need it and / or is suitable for you, in an environment where you feel more secure.
The App Library should help you reduce time in searching for suitable apps for your condition and offer you more security and peace of mind than just scrolling through the internet.
To make it easier to use, the apps on the App Library are grouped into different areas of mental health.
All apps on the My Health and Wellbeing App Library have been verified by a Third Party against a stringent checklist which includes clinical/professional assurance, relevance, and accessibility. There are a mix of free and pay for apps in the App Library and some apps may have chargeable add-ons.
Michelle Webster, Chief Clinical Information Officer, Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership Trust said “I am always asked by clinicians which health apps they should be recommending; which are safe, which are effective and which will meet the needs of their patients. Our Health and Wellbeing App Library gives our clinicians the digital tools to recommend apps.”
Have a look and see what you think.