NHS 75 Staff Stories: Deborah Strudwick

Deborah Strudwick 

Deborah Strudwick - Mental Health Liaison Nurse Practitioner

How long have you been in the NHS?

I started my general nurse training on 4 October 1982, so 40 years 9 months today (I’m writing this on 4 July 2023)!

Why did you choose to work in the NHS?

My parents ran public houses so my whole life has been around people, and I think this helped shape me to want to work with people. I wanted, as a nurse, to help people to reach their optimum. I believe that our NHS is something to be proud of and I feel very privileged to be working in it.

Describe your role in 100 words.

To provide effective equitable acute mental health assessment and triage for all patients presenting at acute hospitals within Coventry and Warwickshire, both in A&E and on the wards, bridging the interface between physical and psychological health.

What do you enjoy most about your role?

I enjoy the variety of the role, no two days are the same, and I really like working within my team with my own colleagues within AMHAT wider Trust, and with acute partners.

Describe your favourite memory of working at CWPT in 100 words.

Wow, that is so hard as I have worked in the organisation since July 1987 in a variety of roles. I have been fortunate enough to be given the opportunity to undertake both my mental health training and non-medical prescribing. A happy memory for me was when I helped facilitate the move from Tulliver ward, a mixed older adult ward that was based on the George Eliot site, to the purpose-built units of Stanley and Pembleton. However, I think the overarching core memory for me is the amazing people I have met during my 36 years, patients, visitors, and colleagues. I feel very blessed.

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