Mental Health - Overview

  • An overview of our Mental Health Services.

  • Address: Various locations across Coventry and Warwickshire


We offer a range of mental health and wellbeing services across Coventry and Warwickshire*.  The tabs above link to different services providing different levels of support from self-help through to crisis point.  Just click on the tabs to see more information and find the right service for you.

If you or someone you are with is experiencing a mental health crisis, whatever their age, call 111 and select the mental health option.  Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

Call 999 in a medical emergency – when you or someone with you is seriously ill or injured and their life is at risk.  

For non-crisis mental health support across Coventry and Warwickshire 24/7, you should call the freephone number 08081 966798 (see the process of the Mental Health Access Hubs). 

*NHS Talking Therapy is also provided in Solihull

Mental Health Access Hubs

Three local Mental Health Access Hubs (MHAH) serve people living in Coventry and Warwickshire.  They will clinically triage all patients and support those in urgent need of care.  Others will be referred to other NHS services or partner organisations for support.

GPs or other professionals can refer you into mental health services or you can call yourself if you feel you need urgent mental health support.  MHAHs are open 24/7 365 days a year.

For urgent help 24/7, visit:

Visit Mental Health Access Hubs

Mental Health Support Helpline

This is a free and confidential 24/7 emotional support helpline for residents of Coventry and Warwickshire. 

The trained helpline team can help if you are feeling low, anxious or stressed; in emotional distress; finding it difficult to cope while caring for another; feeling socially isolated or looking for advice on your mental wellbeing.

Visit Mental Health Support Line (Coventry)

Visit Mental Health Support Line (Warwickshire) 

Rise, Children and Young People’s Mental Health Service

Rise are NHS-led services providing emotional wellbeing and mental health support for children and young people in Coventry and Warwickshire.

This site provides information about the services and provides resources to help parents and carers, as well as children and young people.

For urgent help 24/7, visit:

Visit Rise

NHS Talking Therapies

If you’re feeling anxious or depressed the Healthy Mind Service can help.  It is a free NHS Talking Therapy service for people aged over 16 who are registered with a GP in Coventry, Warwickshire or Solihull.

No need to visit your GP, you can refer yourself into the service.

The site also contains self-help guides and resources and links to other local services which can help.

Visit NHS Talking Therapies

Recovery and Wellbeing Academy

The Academy offers a wide range of free courses and workshops designed to empower your mental health and wellbeing.  Courses are delivered face to face and online,  are free of charge, and open to anyone over 18 living in Coventry and Warwickshire who wants to better manage or understand their mental health and wellbeing.  There are no tests, exams or assessments, this is just learning to help you help yourself or someone you care about.

Visit Recovery and Wellbeing Academy

Dimensions of Health and Wellbeing Tool

Dimensions is a free online tool providing self-care information to support adults, children and young people in Coventry and Warwickshire. 

You rate yourself or another person against a number of dimensions related to health and wellbeing.

The Dimensions tool creates a report with information about self-care, local services, websites, video, books and apps.

Visit Dimensions

Dear Life

If you feel suicidal, are worried about someone who may be, or have been lost someone to suicide, this website can help.

It provides details of Coventry and Warwickshire local and national resources and local services which can help.

Visit Dear Life


Mend the gap Logo Look out for details on the next Mend the Gap event.  Details to come.