Clinical Guidance

The clinical guidance documents are grouped by BNF chapters e.g antipsychotics are in Chapter 4, insulin in Chapter 6. Please click on the relevant chapter link below to access the documents.

The clinical guidance contained on these links is believed to be true and accurate at the point of preparation. New evidence/ guidance is continually released which may supersede this information; please use your own clinical and professional judgement when reading or acting on any information contained.

BNF Chapters

  1. Gastro-intestinal system
  2. Cardiovascular system
  3. Respiratory system
  4. Central nervous system
  5. Infections
  6. Endocrine system
  7. Obstetrics, Gynacology and urinary-tract disorders
  8. Malignant disease and immunosuppression
  9. Nutrition and food
  10. Musculoskeletal and join disease
  11. Eye
  12. Ear, nose and oropharynx
  13. Skin
  14. Immunological products and vaccines
  15. Anaesthesia
  16. Miscellaneous
  17. Emergency treatment of poisoning
  18. Unlicensed medicines/significant off-label use
  19. Palliative Care Formulary
  20. A2 - Borderline substances
  21. A5 - Wound management products and elasticated garments