Crisis Resolution and Home Treatment Team

  • Locality-based Crisis Resolution and Home Treatment Teams are responsible for clinically triaging all patients and dealing with those in urgent need of care. There are three locality teams for Coventry, North Warwickshire and Rugby, and South Warwickshire.

  • Client Age: Adult
  • Address: Three locations: Caludon Centre Coventry; St Michael's Hospital, Warwick; Avenue House, Nuneaton
  • Reception phone number: Call 111 and select the Mental Health Option. (Health and Care Professionals only: Call 08081 966798)
  • Clinic hours: 24/7 365 days/year

About us

Crisis Resolution and Home Treatment Team for Coventry and Warwickshire

Locality-based Crisis Resolution and Home Treatment Teams are responsible for clinically triaging all patients and dealing with those in urgent need of care.

Referrals will continue to come into the team directly through the normal routes. 

Where are the Crisis and Home Treatment Teams?

There are three Crisis Resolution and Home Treatment Teams located across Coventry and Warwickshire, and each will be operational 24/7 and 365 days a year at:

  • Caludon Centre (Coventry)
  • St Michael's Hospital, Warwick (South Warwickshire)
  • Manor site, Nuneaton (North Warwickshire and Rugby)

How to refer? 

General Public: For crisis or urgent mental health support, you can refer yourself into our services by calling:  111 and selecting the Mental Health option.  Operational 24/7 365 days per year

Health and Care Professionals:  Call 08081 966798 to refer someone into mental health services.  Operational 24/7 365 days per year.

If you have difficulties hearing or are deaf: call 18001 111 using the Relay UK app or a textphone (available 24/7).  Or visit 

What happens when a patient is referred into mental health services?

  • The Crisis Resolution and Home Treatment Team will clinically triage all referrals at a local level
  • Following triage, if they are then assessed to be in need an urgent assessment, the Team will arrange to see them within 4 or 24 hours depending on how they are feeling
  • Patients who are not urgent but need our mental health support will be onward referred to the right team


Home Treatment Support

Patients seen urgently who then need intensive Home Treatment care to support them in their own homes and to help avoid a hospital admission, will receive specific and task centred Home Treatment interventions.

Who works in the Crisis Resolution and Home Treatment Teams?

The staff in the Teams comprise one full Multi-Disciplinary Team (MDT) inclusive of Community Psychiatric Nurses, Occupational Therapist(s), Social Worker(s), support staff, peer support workers, medics, Psychology and call handlers. 

Therefore all referrals will be triaged by a significantly expanded and integrated team of professionals.

Benefits of Crisis Resolution and Home Treatment Team (CRHTT)

There are many benefits for this way of working:

  • The locality CRHTTs will ensure closer working across all mental health services, ensuring that each patient is triaged and treated within their local area. 
  • They will provide closer links, advice and information for GP’s for individuals who have been referred to mental health services.
  • CRHTTs will encourage closer working between the urgent care and community mental health services.
  • Each CRHTT will continue its close links with the community, voluntary and charity sector in their local area, to provide each patient with the right support for them at all times. 
  • Clear assessment times will support the urgency of referrals to ensure that all service users are seen in a timely manner.  This will enable people to access the support they need and it will attempt to prevent further deterioration, distress or crisis of the person’s mental health