Privacy Notice Public Membership

Who we are and what do we do

The Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership NHS Trust (the Trust) is part of the NHS and provides the following services across Coventry and Warwickshire, Solihull, Hereford and Worcestershire: -

  • Inpatient mental health services
  • Community mental health services
  • Inpatient learning disability services
  • Community learning disability services
  • Inpatient and Community eating disorder services
  • Respite and residential care services
  • Community physical health services e.g. district nursing etc.

The Trust is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office as a data controller. The Trust’s registration number is: Z9641870.


Trust’s Contact Details

Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership NHS Trust Wayside House, Wilsons Lane, Coventry, CV6 6NY Tel: 024 7636 2100


Trust’s Membership Office Contact Details
Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership NHS Trust Wayside House, Wilsons Lane, Coventry, CV6 6NY Tel: 024 76588848

Email: Twitter: @CWPT_members


Data Protection Officer

The Trust’s Data Protection Officer  can be contacted at:

Data Protection Officer: Hayley Gidman

Tel: 01782 916875



What we mean by public membership

A member of the public can become a ‘member’ of Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership NHS Trust. Public members will support the Trust to make a difference in the services we deliver. The Trust would like to engage and involve members of the public in service development and redesign. In addition to this the Trust would also like to make you aware of events, activities and campaigns.


What information we collect about you

The Trust will collect personal and sensitive information about you. This information is necessary in order to contact you and it will allow us to understand the demographics of our members.

Personal information will include: -

  • Your name
  • Your address and post code
  • Your telephone number (if provided)
  • Your email address (if provided)
  • Your preferred contact details (if provided)
  • Your date or birth/age (if provided)
  • Your opinions (if requested and provided e.g. in response to consultations etc)

Sensitive or special categories of data will include: -

  • Your gender (if provided)
  • Your racial or ethnic origin (if provided)


How we collect information about you

We will only collect information about you if you have provided it to us and have given your consent for us to us it for this purpose.

You will provide us with your information in the following ways: -

  • Online member form
  • Paper/Postal member form


How we use the information about you

The Trust collects information from you in order to contact you about our services and events.

As a minimum we will send you a copy of the Trusts Magazine which features news, events and other general information relating to the Trust and its wider service interests.


The lawful basis for us using your information

The lawful basis for using your information is ‘consent’. The Trust will not use your personal information if you have not given your consent for us to use it.

  • Patient ‘personal data’ is processed under Article 6 (1) (a) which states that “the data subject has given consent to the processing of his or her personal data for one of more specific purposes”.
  • Patient ‘sensitive data’ is processed under Article 9 (2) (a) which states that “the data subject has given explicit consent to the processing of those personal data for one or more specified purposes”.

This lawful basis means that individuals have the right to ‘withdraw consent’ at any time. See ‘your individual rights’ below for details of how to do this.


Who we share your information with

The Trust has a contract in place with the Membership Engagement Service (MES).

The Membership Engagement Service provides organisations with systems that support them with community engagement.

MES provides the Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership NHS Trust will access to a secure platform (server and database) that the Trust uses to hold its register of members.


Membership Engagement Service (MES) Contact Details


33 Clarendon Road, London, N8 0NW Tel: 020 8829 2330

Email: Web:

The Membership Engagement Service has their own privacy notice which can be viewed by clicking here.


How long we keep your information

Information will only be kept for as long as it is necessary i.e. for as long as you are a member of the Trust or when the Trust no longer exists.

If you withdraw your consent at any time your information will be erased.


How we protect your Information

The Trust has processes in place to ensure that information is handled in a secure manner at all times. This includes a secure network, safe haven procedures and encryption software.

Corporate records will be stored and destroyed in a secure in accordance with the Trusts Corporate Records Management Policy.

Both the Trust and the Membership Engagement Service are ISO27001 compliant, which means that our information security means the highest industry standards.

Information Security and Confidentiality is included within the Trust’s annual statutory and mandatory training.


Your rights

Data Protection Law gives individuals rights in regard to the use of their personal information.  Individuals Rights are:-

  • The right to be informed: you have the right to know what information we hold about you and how we use your information.
  • The right to access information about you: you have the right to have access to information held by the Trust about you. You may also request a copy of any information about you.
  • The right to rectification: if you think the information we hold about you is factually incorrect inform the Trust’s Membership Office so we can update your information as soon as possible.
  • The right to erasure (right to be forgotten): if you no long want to be a member and do not wish to receive information from the Trust you can withdraw your consent at any time by contacting the Trust’s Membership Office  by email, telephone or post: - Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership NHS Trust Wayside House, Wilsons Lane, Coventry, CV6 6NY Tel: 024 76588848, Email:
  • The right to restrict Processing: If you think that there is something factually incorrect with the information we hold about you, you can ask that further sharing of this information is restricted until it is corrected. You can do this by contacting the Trust’s Membership Office.
  • The right to data portability: this right is limited to information that is held in a machine readable format. This right does not apply to the membership register.
  • The right to object: this right does not apply when you have given consent for us to use your information for a specific purpose, however, you can withdraw your consent at any time by contacting the Trust’s Membership Office.
  • The right not to be subject to automated processing including profiling: the Trust does not currently use your personal and/or sensitive (special categories) data to make decisions about you without the intervention of a person, be that a health professional or other authorised member of staff.


Further Information

If you require further information, please contact the Trusts Information Governance Team or Data Protection Officer:-

Tel: 01782 916875



Making a Complaint / Raising Issues

If you are not satisfied with how your information has been processed you can contact our Patient Advise and Liaison Service (PALS).

Patient Advice and Liaison Service

Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership NHS Trust Wayside House

Wilsons Lane Coventry CV6 6NY

Tel: 0800 212 445 (Freephone)

024 7653 6804



Alternatively you can contact the Information Commissioners Office:

Information Commissioner's Office Wycliffe House

Water Lane Wilmslow Cheshire SK9 5AF

Tel: 0303 123 1113


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