Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership NHS Trust celebrates its Community Mental Health Transformation project

As the lead organisation for mental health services across Coventry and Warwickshire, Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership NHS Trust (CWPT) has been on an ambitious transformation of its mental health services over the last three years. This has included looking at how it can transform and continue to improve its mental health services going into the future.
The work has an increased focus on partnership working, prevention and early intervention, developing digital based solutions and providing more care within the community. CWPT aims to ensure that people accessing community mental health services are supported by the right service at the right time and at a time when such support is needed in accordance with their needs; improving the mental health and emotional wellbeing support it provides.
Community mental health services play a crucial role in delivering mental health care for adults and older adults with severe mental health needs as close to home as possible. The Community Mental Health Transformation Programme brings together experience and support from all sectors across Coventry and Warwickshire. Colleagues from health, social care, Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VSCE) partners and Experts by Experience have been working together to develop a new clinical health and social care model for community mental health.
This collaborative working has culminated in three years of work which has seen an increase in access to community mental health services, improved waiting times to these services, and an increased quality of care available. Additionally, a combined amount of £655,713 in 2022 and 2023 was released through the Innovation Fund for VCSEs and grassroots organisations with the aim of supporting community mental health projects and services in Coventry and Warwickshire.
The Trust has published a report detailing the work of the Community Mental Health Transformation project over the last three years, which is available to read here: Online Flipbook (
It highlights the continued improvements which have been made, and sets out the vision for how the transformation will continue, including keeping collaboration at the core of the work happening.
Eleanor Cappell, Head of Business and Transformation in Adult Mental Health services at CWPT, said: “This evaluation tells a journey over the last three years of how far we've come and our commitment to improve. Our vision has patients and co-production at its heart and the report details our growth in workforce, access, new specialist pathways and new partnerships - which have been fundamental to where we are today. The report also details new assessment processes and captures, patient experience and views from primary care, adult social care and importantly our staff. Our results on implementing trauma informed care is included from the Warwick University Business School and lastly our recommendations and quotes capturing impact are included at the end of the report.
“We hope you enjoy reading this evaluation I would like to thank everyone who has contributed their skills, time and expertise to improving patient experience outcomes and access for community mental health across Coventry and Warwickshire – without you it wouldn’t have been possible!”
For more information about Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership NHS Trust and the mental health services it provides, please visit